Separated from Downtown Boston's commercial district by the oldest park in the United States, Boston Common, Beacon Hill is home to, among other sites, the gold dome of the Massachusetts State House. Many Freedom Trail sites are located here as well as some exquisite Bullfinch architecture and glorious examples of late 19th century architecture. Still a sought-after nearly four centuries of constant use, Beacon Hill is just one example of the living history of Boston.

Active Real Estate in Beacon Hill - See more

22 Louisburg Square, Beacon Hill, Boston, MA 02108
Status: Active

4 Beds/7 Total Baths/7,424 sq ft/Residential
MLS #: 73323358

Offered By: Campion & Company Fine Homes Real Estate
Listing from MLSPIN

36 Lime Street, Beacon Hill, Boston, MA 02108
Status: New

5 Beds/7 Total Baths/5,875 sq ft/Residential
MLS #: 73344704

Offered By: Douglas Elliman Real Estate - The Sarkis Team
Listing from MLSPIN

44 Beacon Street, Beacon Hill, Boston, MA 02108
Status: Active

5 Beds/8 Total Baths/12,753 sq ft/Residential
MLS #: 73343314

Offered By: Campion & Company Fine Homes Real Estate
Listing from MLSPIN

22 Brimmer Street, Beacon Hill, Boston, MA 02108
Status: Active

4 Beds/7 Total Baths/6,138 sq ft/Residential
MLS #: 73337647

Offered By: Campion & Company Fine Homes Real Estate
Listing from MLSPIN

Sold Listings

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MLS Property Information Network, Inc. data last updated on March 14, 2025 08:13 AM