Although commonly thought of as the name of the baseball field, Fenway actually refers to a type of estuarial marsh that is a prominent natural feature of the neighborhood, which is sandwiched between the Charles River and the banks of the Muddy River. Kenmore Square and the internationally famous Medical Area are also part of this neighborhood.

Active Real Estate in Fenway - See more

188 Brookline Ave, #PH29A, The Fenway, Boston, MA 02215
Status: Active

3 Beds/3 Total Baths/2,742 sq ft/Residential
MLS #: 73285540

Offered By: Regatta Realty
Listing from MLSPIN

188 Brookline Avenue, #27A/C, The Fenway, Boston, MA 02215
Status: New

3 Beds/4 Total Baths/2,701 sq ft/Residential
MLS #: 73343270

Offered By: MGS Group Real Estate LTD
Listing from MLSPIN

188 Brookline Avenue, #19A, The Fenway, Boston, MA 02215
Status: Active

3 Beds/3 Total Baths/1,852 sq ft/Residential
MLS #: 73306851

Offered By: Coldwell Banker Realty - Boston
Listing from MLSPIN

188 Brookline Avenue, #20J, The Fenway, Boston, MA 02215
Status: Active

2 Beds/2 Total Baths/1,515 sq ft/Residential
MLS #: 73327496

Offered By: Harmony Hill Realty LLC
Listing from MLSPIN

Sold Listings

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MLS Property Information Network, Inc. data last updated on March 14, 2025 01:39 AM