Originally a part of the town of Dorchester, South Boston Neck was annexed to the City of Boston in 1804, and landfill extended its neighborhoods. South Boston was a planned community with specific grid design that is atypical of Boston general. South Boston is also atypical in the sense that it was zoned for commercial, industrial and residential use. By 1855, South Boston had more homes than any other neighborhood. The St. Agustine Chapel is the oldest existing Catholic Church and Burying Ground in Massachusetts. South Boston has some impressive examples of industrial and residential architecture and a beautiful shoreline featuring the world-famous L street Bathhouse.

Active Real Estate in South Boston - See more

493-495 E 7th St, South Boston, Boston, MA 02127
Status: Active

9 Beds/8 Total Baths/5,668 sq ft/Residential Income
MLS #: 73094948

Offered By: Compass
Listing from MLSPIN

37 Farragut Rd, #PH8, South Boston, Boston, MA 02127
Status: Active

3 Beds/3 Total Baths/2,400 sq ft/Residential
MLS #: 73341303

Offered By: Rooney Real Estate, LLC
Listing from MLSPIN

470 & 479 East 6th St, South Boston, Boston, MA 02127
Status: Active

6 Beds/5 Total Baths/2,966 sq ft/Residential Income
MLS #: 73334197

Offered By: Kendin Carr
Listing from MLSPIN

98 F St, South Boston, Boston, MA 02127
Status: Active

5 Beds/4 Total Baths/2,943 sq ft/Residential
MLS #: 73341399

Offered By: Coldwell Banker Realty - Boston
Listing from MLSPIN

Sold Listings

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MLS Property Information Network, Inc. data last updated on March 14, 2025 08:50 AM