Like other Downtown neighborhoods, the South End was created by the same landfill project that transformed the Back Bay to a housing district during the Civil War era. South End architecture is typified by brick bow-fronted town houses. During the post-Civil War Depression, these townhouses became rooming houses, serving immigrants from all over the world. Like the West End, the South End was a multiracial, multigenerational neighborhood that was able to stave off devastating urban redevelopment to reemerge as a desirable location for a wide variety of people.
Active Real Estate in South End - See more
4 Beds/3 Total Baths/3,061 sq ft/Residential
MLS #: 73335575
Offered By: Sprogis & Neale Real Estate, Sprogis Neale Doherty Team
Listing from MLSPIN
2 Beds/2 Total Baths/1,185 sq ft/Residential
MLS #: 73343340
Offered By: Sprogis & Neale Real Estate, Sprogis Neale Doherty Team
Listing from MLSPIN
5 Beds/8 Total Baths/6,830 sq ft/Residential
MLS #: 73273806
Offered By: Compass
Listing from MLSPIN
3 Beds/3 Total Baths/2,808 sq ft/Residential
MLS #: 73302132
Offered By: Douglas Elliman Real Estate - The Sarkis Team
Listing from MLSPIN
Sold Listings
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MLS Property Information Network, Inc. data last updated on March 13, 2025 09:28 PM